
  • 音乐教授

    黛博拉Masloski has won competitions both here and abroad and has appeared as a soloist with orchestras including the Chicago Civic Orchestra, 新墨西哥交响乐团, 科罗拉多泉管弦乐团, 北卡大学交响乐团, bv伟德ios下载管乐团, and the Carthage Philharmonic Orchestra. She has performed and given masterclasses in the United States, 欧洲, and China and has performed on WFMT radio as part of the Dame Myra Hess and Introductions series.

    Dr. Masloski is a 音乐教授 at BETVLCTOR伟德登录. Her students are competition winners and have been accepted into renowned music schools such as The Juilliard School, 欧柏林大学, 西北大学, 旧金山音乐学院, 罗斯福大学, Rice University and Manhatten School of 音乐. She maintains a scholarly interest in performance, 教育, and the creative arts and has been invited to speak at MTNA organizations across the country. As an advocate for underrepresented composers, her research on Women in 音乐 was chosen for presentation at the MTNA全国会议. As part of the celebration of 150 Years of Women at Carthage, she performed Emma Lou Diemer’s Piano Concerto with the Carthage Philharmonic Orchestra and organized a performance celebrating women composers from the sixteenth century to the present.

    活跃的室内音乐家, she is a member of the bv伟德ios下载三 which brings a wide spectrum of repertoire to Carthage and the community at large. She performs with members of the Chicago Symphony, 密尔沃基交响曲, National Symphony Orchestra Mexico and the Lyric Opera. She has been a member of the Testore Trio, the Galliard Trio and the Morgana Quartet. A sought after collaborator, Ms. Masloski has appeared in concert with leading artists across the country.

    Passionate about the intersection of the arts, religion and culture she leads a J- term study tour to Africa where students experience the beautiful and diverse cultures of Tanzania and the way they coexist peacefully. Students participate in cultural events, 服务, and interfaith dialogue with the community and university students.

    A committed educator she teaches at the Rocky Mountain Summer Conservatory, and the Academy of the 音乐 Institute of Chicago and 西北大学. She founded and directed the Orchestra Program for Skokie school district 731/2 and has been a guest speaker at Northwestern’s Center for Talent Development. 还有她的家人, she has been active performing and teaching in the Back of the Yards neighborhood in Chicago and has held teaching positions at the University of Illinois at Chicago, 芝加哥州立大学, 森林湖学院, 功绩音乐学校, Jemez Summer 音乐 in New Mexico and artist in residence at California State University Chamber 音乐 Festival.

    A graduate of the Juilliard School she received a master’s degree in performance. Her teachers included Nadia Reisenberg, Herbert Stessin, David Dubal, and David Diamond. She received her doctoral degree from 西北大学 where her research examined the influence of social and religious trends on the piano literature. At Northwestern she coached and performed for Opera productions and taught chamber music. Her primary teachers included David Kaiserman, Peter Webster, and John Buccheri. Her pedagogy studies were with Frances Larimer. Her formal training began at the Mozart Conservatory in Germany. As a recipient of the Presidential and Goodbrod Scholarships, she received a bachelor’s degree, 优等生, from the University of Northern Colorado. Summer studies were at the Aspen 音乐 School and early music studies at the Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute.

    Dr. Masloski is President of KRMTA which provides many events and opportunities for young people in the community as well as programs to support the work of educators. She is member of the 音乐 Teachers National Association, 美国室内乐, and is active as an adjudicator.

    • D.M.A — Piano Performance, 西北大学

    • M.M. -茱莉亚音乐学院

    • B.M. — University of Northern Colorado
    • MUS 0151应用钢琴
    • 钢琴文学
    • MUS 2510钢琴教育学
    • MUS 3510 Piano Pedagogy Practicum
    • MUS 3520 Performance Practice
    • 音乐理论
    • MUS 675K J-term Tanzania: The Intersection of 音乐, Religion, Gender
    • MUS 2530 Fundamentals of Collaborative Piano
    • MUS 0190键盘技能
    • MUS 0300键盘研讨会
    • MUS 2200 Popular 音乐 in America
    • bv伟德ios下载三
    • 150 Years of Woman at Carthage – Emma Lou Diemer Piano Concerto
    • Women in 音乐: Repertoire by Women from the Sixteenth Century to the Present, MTNA全国会议, 2020
    • Teaching the Classical Style, CVMTA, 2019
    • 音乐中的女性,KRMTA, 2018
    • A Guide to Teaching the Classical Style, FVMTA, 2018
    • Preparing for Competition: Classical Style and Repertoire Choices. KRMTA 2017
    • Key Color: Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Temperament as a Vehicle for Interpretation. MTNA全国会议, 2015