
保罗•F. 马蒂诺

  • Dean, Division of 教授essional Studies; 生物学教授
  • 生物学教授
  • 生物系
  • 神经科学部门

保罗·马蒂诺教授得了B.A. in natural sciences and mathematics from Dowling College in 1993 and an M.S. in exercise 生理学 from Ball State University in 1996. 他获得了博士学位.D. in 生理学 from the 威斯康星医学院 in 2006 and then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Wright State University. He came to Carthage in 2009 after a short stint in the pharmaceutical industry and teaching at Milwaukee Area Technical College, where he taught anatomy and 生理学 at two campuses.

bv伟德ios下载,约翰. 马蒂诺教授解剖学课程, 生理学, 实验设计, 包括生物4120高级研讨会, 生物1120, 人口, 和系统, Bio/Neu 4000 (675) Human Neuro生理学 (Csym) (J-Term), and Bio 675 The 生物学 and Geography of Nicaragua (J-Term).

He has collaborated in his research with Syracuse University, 北科罗拉多大学, 威斯康星医学院, 以及海军部, 研究呼吸的神经控制, 锻炼喘息, 控制, 力量训练, 和行为抑制(BI). 他和他的合作者(Dr. 丹尼尔。P. 米勒博士. 贾斯汀R. 米勒博士和. Sarah Terrill) have four active on-campus projects, three studying humans and one studying rats.  All the on-campus projects revolve around understanding a trait called behavioral inhibition. People and animals (Wistar-Kyoto rats) with BI avoid social settings and are more prone to anxiety, 抑郁症, 以及创伤后应激障碍.

Dr. 马蒂诺 is a Full 生物学教授 and is a former Chair of the 生物学 and 神经科学部门s; 自2021年以来, he has been the Dean of the 教授essional Studies Division, 包括护理, 联合健康科学, 社会工作, 运动与运动科学, 和教育.  除了他在bv伟德ios下载的工作. 马蒂诺 is a former Associate Adjunct 教授essor of Physiology at the 威斯康星医学院.



教授. 马蒂诺 was interviewed on a story about the effects of daylight savings time on the human body. (威斯康星州公共广播电台2019年11月8日报道)

Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, but it could have impacts on your body

教授. 马蒂诺 discusses why it is better to gain an hour of sleep than lose one. (TMJ4, 2019年11月1日)

  • Ph.D. -威斯康星医学院生理学,2006年
  • M.S. ——波尔州立大学运动生理学,1996年
  • B.A. — Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Dowling College, 1993
  • 生物,种群和系统
  • BIO 3300人体解剖系统
  • BIO 3310系统生理学
  • BIO 4100实验设计
  • BIO 4120高级研讨会
  • BIO/NEU 4000 (675) Human Neuro生理学 (C-Sym) (J-Term)
  • BIO 675 The 生物学 and Geography of Nicaragua (J-Term)

He has collaborated in his research with Syracuse University, 北科罗拉多大学, 威斯康星医学院, 以及海军部, 研究呼吸的神经控制, 锻炼喘息, 控制, 力量训练, 和行为抑制(BI). 他和他的合作者(Dr. 丹尼尔。P. 米勒博士. 贾斯汀R. 米勒博士和. Sarah Terrill) have four active on-campus projects, three studying humans and one studying rats. All the on-campus projects revolve around understanding a trait called behavioral inhibition. People and animals (Wistar-Kyoto rats) with BI avoid social settings and are more prone to anxiety, 抑郁症, 以及创伤后应激障碍.

Dr. 马蒂诺 is a former Chair of the 生物学 and 神经科学部门s and, 自2021年以来, has been the Dean of the 教授essional Studies Division, 包括护理, 联合健康科学, 社会工作, 运动与运动科学, 和教育. 除了他在bv伟德ios下载的工作. 马蒂诺 is a former Associate Adjunct 教授essor of Physiology at the 威斯康星医学院.


大学生活质量&D格兰特 在bv伟德ios下载学院 $1,499.00, 2019.


Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium 研究 infrastructure Grant (wsgc rip 30116-03)

CO升高的影响 2 and Anxiety Vulnerability on Stress and Performance: Potential Implication for Extended Space Travel, 5月1日, 2017年5月1日, 2018年 $19,912.00 ($9,956.9,956美元.00配对基金). This is a very competitive grant process and is a significant achievement for a grant that focuses on psychology, 神经科学, 以及太空飞行的生理学. 这是一项合作资助. 合作者:Daniel Miller博士.D. (Neuro/PYC), Denise Cook-Snyder (Neuro), and Justin Miller (Bio).



The American Physiological Society Grant for Summer Undergraduate 研究,于2016年2月1日提交. 这份基金是与Dr. 马修·R. Hodges from 威斯康星医学院 and Emma Patchorke, a current Carthage biology major so that Emma can spend the summer being mentored by me and Dr. Hodges at 威斯康星医学院 working on a project in the field of, 呼吸的神经控制. Title of the grant: Characterizing the distribution of Kir4.1和Kir5.1 in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) in Sprague Dawley Rats (不是资助) $4,000.00 学生津贴

$300. 00 给主人无限制的钱

$1,300.00 travel grant for the student to travel to the 2016 American Physiological Society national meeting at the Experimental 生物学 meeting in San Diego, 加州, (不是资助)

Emma Patchorke will still be spending the summer of 2016 with me and my colleagues conducting neural control of breathing research at the 威斯康星医学院. 艾玛现在是一名物理治疗博士.P.T.).



The American Physiological Society Grant for Summer Undergraduate 研究, 提交2/1/15. 这份基金是与Dr. 马修·R. Hodges from 威斯康星医学院 and Benjamin Massat, a current Carthage biology major so that Ben can spend the summer being mentored by me and Dr. Hodges at 威斯康星医学院 working on a project in the field of, 呼吸的神经控制. Title of the grant: Characterizing the distribution of Kir4.1和Kir5.1 in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) in Sprague Dawley Rats


$300. 00元给主持人无限制的钱

$1,300.00 travel grant for the student to travel to the 2016 American Physiological Society national meeting at the Experimental 生物学 meeting in San Diego, 加州, 收到03/23/15, 本现在是一名骨科医生.O.).


大学生活质量&D格兰特 在bv伟德ios下载学院 $938.51, 2013.



大学生活质量&D格兰特 在bv伟德ios下载学院 $1499.00, 2011.






The BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Student Organization Advisor of the Year



Behavioral Inhibition and the Effect of Inhaled 7% CO2 on Salivary Amylase and Cortisol Harshberger M.狼!.斯肯齐尔·H.华尔兹·E.米勒·J. R.,库克-斯奈德D.R.艾伦·M.T.米勒·D.P.马蒂诺·P.F., Servatius R.J. (准备)

This paper represents nine years of research and collaboration between BETVLCTOR伟德登录, 威斯康辛医学院, 北科罗拉多大学, 海军潜艇医学研究实验室, 锡拉丘兹退伍军人医疗中心的神经科学, 和上州医科大学.


电子书合著者:《bv伟德ios下载》 研究主题

Horizon 2030: Innovative Applications of Heart Rate Variability, Pages 170-179.

ISSN 1664 - 8714

ISBN 978-2-88974-978-2

DOI 10.3389/978-2-88974-978-2




Cardiorespiratory Response to Moderate Hypercapnia in Female College Students Expressing Behaviorally Inhibited Temperament. 马蒂诺,P.F., 米勒,维.P, 米勒,J.R.库克-斯奈德,D.R.艾伦·M.T., 方便,我.D., Servatius R.J.

原始研究: Behaviorally inhibited (BI) temperament is marked by heightened behavioral sensitivity to environmental threats. The degree to which threat sensitivity is reflected in cardiorespiratory responses has been relatively unexplored in females.

前面. >. doi: 10.3389 / fnins.2020.588813



This paper represents seven years of research and collaboration between BETVLCTOR伟德登录, 威斯康辛医学院, 北科罗拉多大学, 海军潜艇医学研究实验室, 锡拉丘兹退伍军人医疗中心的神经科学, 和上州医科大学.




Kcnj16基因突变鉴定出Kir5.1-containing channels as key regulators of acute and chronic pH homeostasis. 强大的米.M.Muere C.列夫琴科.马尼斯·A.D., 马蒂诺P.福斯特·H.V.帕利金O.斯塔鲁琴科A.霍奇斯·M.R. 美国实验生物学学会联合会J. 2019 Apr; 33(4): 5067-5075.