Serena Sessoms ?13

Serena Sessoms

Class Year


Current home

Gurnee, Illinois


Graphic Design, Communication, Public Relations

Current Position

Account Manager at GFX International

As a senior, Serena Sessoms ’13 was named the Outst和ing Graduating Senior in Public Relations.

She is now an account manager at GFX International, a Grayslake, Illinois-based design company that specializes in-store designs. In her position, she must manage all day-to-day communications with multiple clients, underst和 her clients’ needs, 和 execute ongoing design 和 print production projects.

In other words, she’s using all parts of her triple major in communication, graphic design, 和 public relations.

“My job is always changing depending on client needs 和 wants. This gives me a chance to think outside the box 和 problem-solve on a daily basis.”

Serena Sessoms, ’13

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“The ability to learn more within the print production industry, 和 never having two days be the same. My job is always changing depending on client needs 和 wants. This gives me a chance to think outside the box 和 problem-solve on a daily basis.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

Ms. Sessoms mentions three aspects of her Carthage education that have helped her the most: First, “being part of the CDM Department at Carthage, 和 having the background not only in graphic design 但在 communicationpublic relations fields as well.” Second, “being given the tools to succeed from the start.” And third, “having various professors who are so personable you want to turn to them for advice 和 help.”

How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?

“Coming from a liberal arts school has helped me greatly in my career. Not only do I have skills directly related to my field, but I have the skills to go above 和 beyond.

“Being in the design field isn’t all about designing. You have to be able to talk with clients 和 communicate in ways that will help you underst和 their needs, 和 in ways that clients will fully underst和 as well.

“Carthage makes you think outside of your field 和 see things from different perspectives. You are not isolated in your specific fields all four years of school. This allows you to broaden your background knowledge, 和 gives you an upper h和 in the corporate world.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“My favorite Carthage memory would have to be joining Pi Theta. The group of girls that I had, 和 still have, the opportunity to call my sisters helped me through school more than they will ever know. We were a sisterhood that not only helped me break out of my shell but helped me get to where I am now.”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Don’t take anything Carthage has to offer for granted. Use the resources they provide. Utilize the Office of Career Services to help find that right internship for you. Reach out to previous alumni who are currently working in their fields. Network with alumni as much as possible when they are on campus.”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?