Scroll down to read descriptions of the criminal justice courses offered at Carthage, 或者点击以下链接获取更多资源:

CRJ 1000


4 credits 
A survey of the various institutions by which the criminal justice system is administered: the police, 法律职业, the court systems, 还有刑罚机构. The problems faced by the criminal justice system and evaluation of the adequacy of the existing system will be given emphasis.

CRJ 2260


4 credits
This course examines the nature, extent, and distribution of crime in the United States. 犯罪的因果关系理论也在这门课程中进行了研究.

CRJ 2270


4 credits 
研究青少年非常规行为的原因, 社会对此的反应, 专门机构, 治疗策略, 预防青少年犯罪的政策建议, 以及青少年司法系统及其相互竞争的职能和人员. 前提条件:SOC 1000

CRJ 2530

Race and Racisms

4 credits 
研究社会学, economic, and psychological nature of the relationships between racial and ethnic groups with differential access to political and economic power. 重点是美国, 还有一些关于种族主义的讨论, 文化歧视, 以及世界其他地方的性别歧视.
前提条件:SOC 1000或CRJ 1000

CRJ 2700

Criminal Law (SOC)

4 credits 
The organization and content of criminal law with attention given to its origin and development and the elements of crimes of various types. 将特别注意《bv伟德ios下载》.

CRJ 3010

Police and Society

4 credits 
This course will rely on a variety of scholarly materials to answer such questions as: Why do we have police? 警察在民主社会中的角色是什么? 我们想让警察怎么做? 谁决定警察的行动? 我们要警察怎么做他们的工作? The course will also address other key issues including (1) the history of the American police, (二)警察工作的性质, (3)警察作为社会控制的代理人, (四)公安机关的结构和职能, (5)警察行为失当, (6)警察问责制.

CRJ 3020

American Courts

4 credits 
本课程探讨美国法院系统的历史和结构. Understood as one of the primary institutions within the criminal justice system, 重点将放在价值观的探索上, traditions, 以及法庭哲学.

CRJ 3025


4 credits 
这门课假定城市中的社会问题是压迫的产物, marginalization, and social control. 学生将学习经济力量和种族等社会结构如何, class, and government policies influence how cities are socially and spatially organized, 以及它是如何随着时间而变化的. 学生们涵盖了像大迁徙这样的主题, systemic racism, policing, inequality, poverty, segregation, and joblessness. We will also discuss the interrelations between different social issues and the prospects for social change.

CRJ 3030


4 credits 
This course presents the historical patterns of response to crime and modern methods of dealing with criminally defined behavior, 包括主要的反应模型. 还审查了惩教所的治疗方法, 调整人员, 惩教作为一种制度体系.

CRJ 3035


4 credits 
This course is intended to help students understand relevant research on the causes and effects of wrongful convictions. The course draws upon research across several academic disciplines like sociology, 心理科学, legal studies, and criminology in order to understand wrongful convictions as social processes that occur at different levels of social reality (i.e. 从个人到系统), and several points within criminal justice systems (from law-making to conviction).

CRJ 3110


4 credits 
本课程将越轨作为一个社会学概念来研究. Students will gain a theoretical understanding of the ways in which deviance has been defined historically, 以及当代的定义. Societal reactions, ranging from informal social control to formal control, are also examined.
前提条件:SOC 1000或CRJ 1000

CRJ 3120


4 credits 
This course explores the social and institutional contexts of various forms of corporate and governmental deviance and/or crime. A range of cases that constitute elite deviance and/or criminal activity will be examined (e.g., insider trading, political corruption, corporate harm caused to consumers and the environment). Each case will be discussed within its larger political, social, and historical context.
前提条件:SOC 1000或CRJ 1000

CRJ 3200


4 credits 
This course examines alternative approaches to the traditional corrections-based and/or punitive models of the criminal justice system. 本课程涵盖的主题包括受害者-罪犯调解项目. The theoretical basis of restorative justice is contrasted to retributive models of justice.

CRJ 3300

Mock Trial

4 credits 
参加本课程的学生将成为 bv伟德ios下载模拟审判小组 and will represent Carthage in the annual American Mock Trial Association Tournament. In this course, students will study all aspects of trial court procedure and the litigation process. Students will develop an understanding of how both criminal and civil trials work and will learn about the various roles played by the participants in the trial court process. Students will act as witnesses, prosecutors, and plaintiff and defense attorneys. Students will also work on and develop important skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, negotiation, communication, debating, and team building.

CRJ 3500

Field Placement

2-8 credits 
实地实习使学生能够探索可能的职业, 并在个人身上发挥作用, academically oriented position designed to supplement or complement the student’s academic experience. All field placements require faculty supervision and regular meetings between the student and the instructor. 

CRJ 3550


1-12 credits 
An internship enables the student to gain practical experience in his or her field of study. All internships require faculty supervision and regular meetings between the student and the instructor. Further credit will be given for internships in subsequent terms in the same placement so long as the supervising faculty member is satisfied that the student is acquiring new or enhancing existing skills and knowledge base. 所有实习必须通过Aspire中心安排.

CRJ 4990

Senior Seminar

4 credits 
这是系里所有专业的巅峰体验, 本课程的主要重点是撰写毕业论文. 本课程要求论文的口头报告.

POL 1910

Law and Society

4 credits 
Law and Society introduces how disputes are authoritatively resolved and how the mechanisms for resolving disputes actually work. 学生将考察法律机构(律师), courts, prisons, interest groups), 规则(权利法案), criminal procedure, contract law), 参与者(当事人), judges, prosecutors, police, 律师)并询问时间, why, 以及它们是如何发挥作用的. The course will also investigate the potential for bias in law and the uses of law as a tool for political and social change.

POL 1500


4 credits 
This course involves a study of the institutions of American government at the national, state, and local levels and is designed to serve students seeking teacher certification. It will stress the informal as well as the formal dimensions of government and will, and thereby attempt to broaden and deepen insight into the processes of policy-making and implementation.

POL 3920


4 credits 
对美国的审查.S. 最高法院及其对美国宪法的解释.S. 在司法审查等问题上的分歧, 行政权和立法权, 联邦制和各州的角色, 以及政治和经济监管.

POL 2910


对美国的审查.S. 最高法院对美国宪法的解释.S. 在言论自由和宗教自由等问题上对宪法的看法, 刑事和民事正当程序, privacy, equal protection, 以及权利法案的国有化.

POL 4000


这门课程是学生政治学研究的基石. 高级研讨会将帮助学生组织分析框架, perspectives, and theories they have learned throughout their political science career into a coherent structure in the form of a Senior Thesis. 作为课程的一部分,学生必须提交毕业论文.
先决条件:高级地位和POL 3100或讲师批准